Tuesday, May 22, 2012

HBAK Summer Board Committee Meetings

The 2012 Home Builders Assoc of KY Summer Board meeting took place at the Louisville Hyatt Regency Downtown on Wednesday and Thurs May 15 & 16.  It was a really good meeting that featured committee meetings and seminars on Wednesday with the Board of Directors meeting being held on Thursday morning.
Above you can see the hard-working Legislative/PAC Committee going over the results and strategies that keep this committee busy whether Frankfort is in or out of session.  Some of the important information coming out of this committee was:
  1. The HBAK 2012 Legislative Wrap-up
  2. Information on the S.A.F.E Act fix
  3. Information on the Uniform Form for Local Occupational Licens Taxes
  4. News of the brand new Building Materials Sales Tax Exemption for Kentucky designated disaster areas resulting, primarily from the rampant tornadoes that destroyed so many properties in the State.
  5. The regs on the PVA Standards that came through on HB398.
  6. Legislation on Copper theft
  7. Information on the Stormchasers/Roofer Bill (HB 421)
  8. Discussion on the details of the Brownfields legislation (HB 465)
  9. The extremely important HB 495 that relates to the interest the Commonwealth owes on the federal loan obtained to pay for unemployment insturance. 
Details of all of these important regulations and legislature can be obtained from HBAK, but suffice it to say that without the efforts of your association, many pieces would have been passed or not passed that would severly curtail the rebound of our industry.

If you cannot see what your dues do for you....just attend one of these meetings and you will be amazed that so much can be done with so small of a dues schedule. 

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