Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Guest Blogger Dianne Beaton on "Top 5 Reasons to Become Involved Within NAHB"

May 20, 2012

"Top 5 Reasons to Become Involved Within NAHB"

Today's guest blogger is Dianne Beaton, CGA, CAPS. Dianne is the 2012 NAHB Associate Members Committee Chairman and is an associate member from New Hampshire.

Dianne Beaton, CGA, CAPS
Quite a few years have past since I made the journey from Manchester, New Hampshire to Washington, D.C. and embraced my complete membership; local, state AND national. I have met so many fellow members from across the country and learned so much about other associations that it just naturally helped me become aware of all the possibilities of networking outside the borders of my state. I would like to share with you my thoughts and hope that I pique your interest and add NAHB to your "to do list." I hope you can join us for NAHB's Legislative Conference on June 6th and our NAHB Associate Members Committee on June 8th, both to be held in Washington D.C. At the end of my "Top 5" click on my name and contact me with any questions or input regarding Spring Board or becoming involved nationally.

  to Become Involved Within NAHB

1. Networking with your fellow members from other states - expanding who you know is very important in life and with social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn our world is expanding like the original "Big Bang." You never know who you could help, and who could help you, by increasing your professional network. NAHB involvement is the positive steps to take in that direction.

2. Taking part on a national committee - members from different areas of the United States working towards like-minded goals. Not only can this help you with committee work back home at your local with similar committees, it also helps who become a better professional, working with such a diverse group of people. The mannerisms, the attitudes, the way others "look at life" are so varied but it helps you develop a unique set of people skills you wouldn't normally receive by being bound within your own state.

3. Learn about advocacy for our members at the federal level - now, more than ever, "The Hill" is where our industry will recover. Gaining insight to the advocacy process not only helps you understand what affects you, but helps you take action to protect yourself.

4. Gain a better understanding of housing issues in other areas of the country - when certain anti-home-building groups find a successful tactic in becomes only a matter of time before it spreads like weeds in your garden. What happens in New Jersey and California, our two most industry legislated and regulated states, has and will appear elsewhere. It's great to know, if there is a particular plan to stop housing in your state, that others have already "been there, done that" and could help you plan and prepare.

5. Engage in discussion about best business practices - NAHB builder members have a program designed to help them called "The Builder 20 Club" designed to help these members discuss their businesses with their peers, but peers that are of no competition because they are from different parts of the country. While associates don't have that particular program we do have our NAHB Associate Members Committee which can give you the same types of discussions. As an example, if you are a marketing professional in your state and you would like to discuss tactics on growing your business, someone who is your competitor is not likely to help. However, a fellow marketer from another state that you have successfully networked with and developed into a friendship would. 

Open your minds to the idea that not all things are confined within a state and let the world of our Federation flow towards you.
Dianne Beaton, CGA, CAPS
2012 NAHB Associate Members Committee Chairman

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