Thursday, November 3, 2011

Teleconference with Rep Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) Nov 2, 2011

The following is the opinion of the author of this blog and in no way is the opinion of the Home Builders Assoc. of Kentucky nor of the National Association of Home Builders.

At 4:00 PM on Wed Nov 2, 2011 the NAHB participated with other similar organizations on a teleconference with Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minn).  This is part of a series of teleconferences with most of the Republicans who are seeking their party's Presidential Nomination.  Please see our previous blog on the teleconference with Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) that took place on October 13.  The next teleconference will be with Gov. Rick Perry  this next Tuesday, Nov 8 at approx. 3:15 PM ET.

I have yet to receive the summary of the teleconference from NAHB so that I cannot yet post.  As soon as I receive it, I will post it on this site.  However, from my elementary view, the conference went very well for the Congresswoman.  She came off as very personable, very down-to-earth, and because of her background being a tax attorney, she came off as very believable regarding balanced budgets and tax issues.  She was very emphatic that she would veto any budget that came to her that was not balanced.  She stressed the increase in the debt that is continuing on a daily basis and emphasized that in her opinion, this could not continue or the economic road of the United States would mirror that of Greece and other EU countries.  She emphasized that her main job as President would be to get the US economy back on its feet by using many of the flat tax ideas that Pres. Reagan implemented years ago. 

One of the callers asked her how she would be able to accomplish the balanced budget and the tax changes since she is an admitted, "outsider" and since previous leaders were not able to get measures such as this passed.  The Congresswoman stated that she was going to fight to get at least 12 new Senators who mirrored her philosophy into position in the next election so that she would have the backing to get her measures through. She considers the 2012/2013 elections as the LAST chance for the voters to be able to change the direction of the Country before it slides into economic destruction.  She felt that the 2012/2013 elections with not just be a landslide victory for the Republicans and the conservatives, but as she put it a "tsunami" election in that direction.

Other than her mention of Greece and EU, she never touched at all on Foreign Policy or Security.

In my opinion, she mentioned her raising of 28 children (4 biological and 24 foster), the fact that she came from a below-poverty background, and Pres. Reagan too often.  I understand that she was using these points to emphasize her position in life and in politics, but to me, they were stressed at least once too often.  However, other than that minor point, I was impressed with her presentation and her fervor, although due to time constraints and her desire to tackle the important economic issues, she did not touch any other Presidential challenges.  I am sure that if you go to you can find many other questions that you might have regarding her qualifications.

I hope that very soon I will be able to post a synopsis from NAHB that will give you a more detailed view of her teleconference.

If you participated in this teleconference, please post your thoughts on this blog. 

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