Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Made in America

I am embarrassed to say that I have not seen this ABC News Feature that has been running for nearly a year called “Made in America”.   Diane Sawyer has taken it upon herself, along with ABC, to promote products that obviously, are Made in America.  She even has started a "Made in America" web site (  Randy Strauss our “on top of everything” National Area Chairman for the National Home Builders Assoc. sent this to me and it really hit home.  I know at my company we have been promoting heavily “Buy Local” and one of my suppliers, General Electric, has been helping me pay for that advertising in part because of their efforts to move most of their appliance manufacturing back to the US from out of the country.  I am guilty of not always checking but this video really shows how far we can go to making our products Made in America.  If a homebuilder can make an entire home out of American products for only a 1% up charge, then anything can be completely red, white and blue.  The video references a complete list of products needed to build a home that are all Made in America.  This list can be found by clicking on this link:
Please take the time to look at this video and if you feel so inclined, pass it on.
Let’s make this a real LOCAL, RED, WHITE, AND BLUE HOLIDAY.
Diane Sawyer and ABC's Made In America

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