Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Made in America

I am embarrassed to say that I have not seen this ABC News Feature that has been running for nearly a year called “Made in America”.   Diane Sawyer has taken it upon herself, along with ABC, to promote products that obviously, are Made in America.  She even has started a "Made in America" web site (  Randy Strauss our “on top of everything” National Area Chairman for the National Home Builders Assoc. sent this to me and it really hit home.  I know at my company we have been promoting heavily “Buy Local” and one of my suppliers, General Electric, has been helping me pay for that advertising in part because of their efforts to move most of their appliance manufacturing back to the US from out of the country.  I am guilty of not always checking but this video really shows how far we can go to making our products Made in America.  If a homebuilder can make an entire home out of American products for only a 1% up charge, then anything can be completely red, white and blue.  The video references a complete list of products needed to build a home that are all Made in America.  This list can be found by clicking on this link:
Please take the time to look at this video and if you feel so inclined, pass it on.
Let’s make this a real LOCAL, RED, WHITE, AND BLUE HOLIDAY.
Diane Sawyer and ABC's Made In America

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NAHB Presidential Candidate Teleconference with Governor Rick Perry

On Tuesday Nov. 8, 2011 at 3:15 PM the NAHB sponsored a teleconference with Texas Governor Rick Perry.  The following is the opinion of the author of the blog and in no way expresses the opinion of the Home Builders Association of Kentucky nor of the National Association of Home Builders.

In my opinion, the Governor seemed to be a very intelligent, driven, and savvy candidate.  He was very business-like, but very "homegrown" also, therefore providing an impressive and interesting combination.  As with previous candidates, he spent most of the teleconference talking about taxes and the economy.  Also, he stated that he felt that this election would provide a huge swing in elected officials and that those proposing "radical changes" would be swept into office.  He was emphatic that whoever takes over cannot "nibble along the edges" of change, but must make "radical" changes.  He, like many others, wishes to eliminate the Internal Revenue Service as we know it today.

During the teleconference today, our own Shirley Wiseman asked the Governor what he would do, immediately, upon taking over as President to help stimulate the building industry.  The Governor's response would be that the most important project that he would tackle to assist our industry would be to develop MORE JOBS so that each and every person in our country would regain faith in the job market.  This he said would be possible through his "Cut, Balance, and Grow Plan" which is designed to "get America working in the fastest way". 

The "Cut" part is to cut taxes; the "Balance" part is to balance the budget; the "Grow" part is to grow jobs and the economy.  His plan is based around a 20% flat personal and corporate tax.  While admitting that a "Fair Tax" would be a very solid option to get the economy growing, it is not the fastest because it would require the elimination of the 16th Amendment which would obviously take some time.  So he proposes the 20% Flat tax while still protecting the deductions for:
  1. State and local taxes
  2. Mortgage interest
  3. Donations
and would increase the individual deduction to $12,500/person.  He said that depending on how your business was set up, you could either choose the 20% tax on your business or on your personal income, but it would not be on both.  In doing this he assured that his plan would balance the budget by the year 2020.  He did not get into more specifics as to how that would happen, but he virtually "guaranteed" it.  By establishing the 20% tax on corporations, the US would now be in line with the rest of the world in taxation, therefore stimulating tremendous growth in the US economy by bringing corporations back to the US and eliminating taxation as the reason for corporations to leave this country. 

Therefore, there would be more jobs and that would immediately stimulate the building industry.  Shirley was not allowed back on so that we are not sure if that answered her question, but this was his answer.

At the end, he was asked how he planned to control illegal immigration.  He was very blunt in stating that he knew how to control the borders of our country, as he had to do that for his state of Texas, but that he could not control all the borders until he would become President.  Although he did not say how, he did state that he could assure us that within 12 months of his taking over the Presidency, he would have all the borders secure. 

In conclusion, Gov. Perry said that if you wanted to sum up his candidacy in one word it would be "Freedom".  

Friday, November 4, 2011

Call to Action: Congress Must Extend the Conforming Loan Limits & Message from Jerry Howard, CEO and President, NAHB

Please go to the link above and listen to the plea from NAHB CEO Jerry Howard discussing the importance of contacting your US House Representative and making your voice heard regarding Conforming Loan Limits.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Teleconference with Rep Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) Nov 2, 2011

The following is the opinion of the author of this blog and in no way is the opinion of the Home Builders Assoc. of Kentucky nor of the National Association of Home Builders.

At 4:00 PM on Wed Nov 2, 2011 the NAHB participated with other similar organizations on a teleconference with Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minn).  This is part of a series of teleconferences with most of the Republicans who are seeking their party's Presidential Nomination.  Please see our previous blog on the teleconference with Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) that took place on October 13.  The next teleconference will be with Gov. Rick Perry  this next Tuesday, Nov 8 at approx. 3:15 PM ET.

I have yet to receive the summary of the teleconference from NAHB so that I cannot yet post.  As soon as I receive it, I will post it on this site.  However, from my elementary view, the conference went very well for the Congresswoman.  She came off as very personable, very down-to-earth, and because of her background being a tax attorney, she came off as very believable regarding balanced budgets and tax issues.  She was very emphatic that she would veto any budget that came to her that was not balanced.  She stressed the increase in the debt that is continuing on a daily basis and emphasized that in her opinion, this could not continue or the economic road of the United States would mirror that of Greece and other EU countries.  She emphasized that her main job as President would be to get the US economy back on its feet by using many of the flat tax ideas that Pres. Reagan implemented years ago. 

One of the callers asked her how she would be able to accomplish the balanced budget and the tax changes since she is an admitted, "outsider" and since previous leaders were not able to get measures such as this passed.  The Congresswoman stated that she was going to fight to get at least 12 new Senators who mirrored her philosophy into position in the next election so that she would have the backing to get her measures through. She considers the 2012/2013 elections as the LAST chance for the voters to be able to change the direction of the Country before it slides into economic destruction.  She felt that the 2012/2013 elections with not just be a landslide victory for the Republicans and the conservatives, but as she put it a "tsunami" election in that direction.

Other than her mention of Greece and EU, she never touched at all on Foreign Policy or Security.

In my opinion, she mentioned her raising of 28 children (4 biological and 24 foster), the fact that she came from a below-poverty background, and Pres. Reagan too often.  I understand that she was using these points to emphasize her position in life and in politics, but to me, they were stressed at least once too often.  However, other than that minor point, I was impressed with her presentation and her fervor, although due to time constraints and her desire to tackle the important economic issues, she did not touch any other Presidential challenges.  I am sure that if you go to you can find many other questions that you might have regarding her qualifications.

I hope that very soon I will be able to post a synopsis from NAHB that will give you a more detailed view of her teleconference.

If you participated in this teleconference, please post your thoughts on this blog.