Saturday, January 19, 2013

Dianne Beaton's (CGA, CAPS) On NAHB Members Committee Accomplishments

Welcome to Las Vegas! 
by Dianne D. Beaton, CGA, CAPS     
2DiFore Marketing Solutions

Dianne D. Beaton
It was just 11.5 months ago I was preparing for my term as Chair of the NAHB Associate Members Committee and in the blink of an eye it’s time to bid adieu!

We have accomplished many things this year with the improvement of the B.E.A.M. (Builders Engaging Associate Members) award submission process which saw an increase of many highly qualified Builders and Remodelers who are passionate about working with Associate Members.

We elected our National Associate Chairperson, Kathy Craven-Snodgrass from North Carolina and she will be confirmed here in Las Vegas. Kathy will do an excellent job in representing all Associate Members at the National Area Chairmen meetings, please do not hesitate to connect with her, she is here for you!

Our Social Media presence has grown substantially and is extremely active. If you have not had a chance to “connect” with your fellow peers check us out on Facebook or on LinkedIn at NAHB Associates. Many of you follow this blog, we would love to have you be a guest writer to gain more exposure to other members! Please remember you never know who is interested in a topic you are familiar with until you put it out there!

Thank you to all of you who have contributed to Build PAC, Associate Members have been making great strides in bringing more awareness of the importance of participating. Many of you are involved in “Leg Con” visits and we have seen a significant increase in the 2012 Campaign! We have Associate members who serve on the local City Councils, School Boards, Town Councils giving them an opportunity to share information on housing issues and more. At this meeting an Area Caucus or two will be recognized for their outstanding contributions and efforts in getting more of their members involved in Build PAC, who will they be? We hope you can join us for the Associate Award Breakfast to find out!

Speaking of the Associate Awards Breakfast, on Wednesday January 23rd at 8:00am, we will gather to honor and recognize our nominees for the Society of Honored Associates, Build-PAC Bill Polley Award Recipient, B.E.A.M Award Recipient, 2012 NAHB Associate Member of the Year and Chairman’s Award. All of the nominees have spent countless hours doing the business of NAHB and furthering their knowledge of the industry. It is a special time of year for us along with an element of surprise each time the announcements are made. This event and our “open door” events are made possible by the generous sponsorships from our 2012 Premier Partners, we thank you so much!

It has truly been an honor to serve as your NAHB Associate Committee Chairwoman, it was a goal I had after first serving as the Chair of the Associate Committee in my local. I want to thank many of my fellow members who have encouraged me over the years! 

Special "Thank You" to NAHB Chairman of the Board, Barry Rutenburg, as well as to Ann Garvey, National Associate Chairman (2011/2012) and Monica Sommerfeldt-Lewis, Associate BUILD-PAC Vice Chairman, for believing in me! 
It has truly been an honor to serve as your NAHB Associate Committee Chairwoman; it was a goal I had after first serving as the Chair of the Associate Committee in my local. 
I also would like to thank many of my fellow members who have encouraged me over the years, Dick Benson Builder & Past President of our state association, Greg Rehm, Remodeler and Past President of my local association, Kendall Buck, EVP of our state association and so many more,  I could not have made it here without your support. 

I want to personally thank my husband Bill for his love and support over the last 10+ years as I climbed the ladder, this is not easy for our spouses and families but without his encouragement and guidance I would have never made it!

So please remember "At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils, with boiling water, comes steam. And with steam, you can power a train. Just one extra degree makes all the difference, be that EXTRA DEGREE."  
Did you add just one extra degree this year to make a difference?


Dianne D. Beaton, CGA, CAPS
Visionary Diva at 2DiFore Marketing Solutions
2012 NAHB Associate Committee Chair
NAHB Associate National Director

Submitted by Michael Kurpiel, CGA, CGP

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