Friday, August 31, 2012

84 Metros Listed As Improving Housing Markets in July

July 9, 2012 - The list of U.S. housing markets showing measurable and sustained improvement rose by four to include 84 metros in July, according to the National Association of Home Builders/First American Improving Markets Index (IMI), released today.  This number includes representatives from 32 states plus the District of Columbia.
The index identifies metropolitan areas that have shown improvement from their respective troughs in housing permits, employment and house prices for at least six consecutive months. This month’s IMI includes 73 metros that held their positions on the list from June, as well as 11 newly added markets. Notable new entries include such geographically diverse places as Prescott, Ariz.; Springfield, Mass.; St. Cloud, Minn.; and Houston, Texas.
“The geographic diversity and growing number of metros on the latest IMI help spotlight the improvements we have begun to see in terms of home prices and job market conditions across certain parts of this country, which in turn are spurring more demand for new homes,” said NAHB Chairman Barry Rutenberg, a home builder from Gainesville, Fla. “That said, our members continue to assert the need for more reasonable credit standards and more accurate appraisal methods to perpetuate this positive momentum.”    

“The modest increase in the July IMI is encouraging because it indicates that individual housing markets continue to regain their footing despite some recent reports of weakening in the broader economy,” added NAHB Chief Economist David Crowe. “This is evidence that the housing recovery is slowly but surely taking root, one market at a time.”
“The positive takeaway from today’s report is that an increasing number of consumers are looking at better conditions to both buy and sell homes, which should help spur greater activity in certain markets going forward,” noted Kurt Pfotenhauer, vice chairman of First American Title Company.
The IMI is designed to track housing markets throughout the country that are showing signs of improving economic health. The index measures three sets of independent monthly data to get a mark on the top improving Metropolitan Statistical Areas. The three indicators that are analyzed are employment growth from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, house price appreciation from Freddie Mac and single-family housing permit growth from the U.S. Census Bureau. NAHB uses the latest available data from these sources to generate a list of improving markets. A metropolitan area must see improvement in all three areas for at least six months following their respective troughs before being included on the improving markets list.
A complete list of all 84 metropolitan areas currently on the IMI, and separate breakouts of metros newly added to or dropped from the list in July, is available at
The NAHB/First American Improving Markets Index (IMI) is released on the fourth business day of each month at 10:00 a.m., ET, unless that day falls on a Friday – in which case, the index is released on the following Monday. A full calendar of future release dates can be found at

84 Metros Listed As Improving Housing Markets in July

July 9, 2012 - The list of U.S. housing markets showing measurable and sustained improvement rose by four to include 84 metros in July, according to the National Association of Home Builders/First American Improving Markets Index (IMI), released today.  This number includes representatives from 32 states plus the District of Columbia.
The index identifies metropolitan areas that have shown improvement from their respective troughs in housing permits, employment and house prices for at least six consecutive months. This month’s IMI includes 73 metros that held their positions on the list from June, as well as 11 newly added markets. Notable new entries include such geographically diverse places as Prescott, Ariz.; Springfield, Mass.; St. Cloud, Minn.; and Houston, Texas.
“The geographic diversity and growing number of metros on the latest IMI help spotlight the improvements we have begun to see in terms of home prices and job market conditions across certain parts of this country, which in turn are spurring more demand for new homes,” said NAHB Chairman Barry Rutenberg, a home builder from Gainesville, Fla. “That said, our members continue to assert the need for more reasonable credit standards and more accurate appraisal methods to perpetuate this positive momentum.”    

“The modest increase in the July IMI is encouraging because it indicates that individual housing markets continue to regain their footing despite some recent reports of weakening in the broader economy,” added NAHB Chief Economist David Crowe. “This is evidence that the housing recovery is slowly but surely taking root, one market at a time.”
“The positive takeaway from today’s report is that an increasing number of consumers are looking at better conditions to both buy and sell homes, which should help spur greater activity in certain markets going forward,” noted Kurt Pfotenhauer, vice chairman of First American Title Company.
The IMI is designed to track housing markets throughout the country that are showing signs of improving economic health. The index measures three sets of independent monthly data to get a mark on the top improving Metropolitan Statistical Areas. The three indicators that are analyzed are employment growth from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, house price appreciation from Freddie Mac and single-family housing permit growth from the U.S. Census Bureau. NAHB uses the latest available data from these sources to generate a list of improving markets. A metropolitan area must see improvement in all three areas for at least six months following their respective troughs before being included on the improving markets list.
A complete list of all 84 metropolitan areas currently on the IMI, and separate breakouts of metros newly added to or dropped from the list in July, is available at
The NAHB/First American Improving Markets Index (IMI) is released on the fourth business day of each month at 10:00 a.m., ET, unless that day falls on a Friday – in which case, the index is released on the following Monday. A full calendar of future release dates can be found at

84 Metros Listed As Improving Housing Markets in July

July 9, 2012 - The list of U.S. housing markets showing measurable and sustained improvement rose by four to include 84 metros in July, according to the National Association of Home Builders/First American Improving Markets Index (IMI), released today.  This number includes representatives from 32 states plus the District of Columbia.
The index identifies metropolitan areas that have shown improvement from their respective troughs in housing permits, employment and house prices for at least six consecutive months. This month’s IMI includes 73 metros that held their positions on the list from June, as well as 11 newly added markets. Notable new entries include such geographically diverse places as Prescott, Ariz.; Springfield, Mass.; St. Cloud, Minn.; and Houston, Texas.
“The geographic diversity and growing number of metros on the latest IMI help spotlight the improvements we have begun to see in terms of home prices and job market conditions across certain parts of this country, which in turn are spurring more demand for new homes,” said NAHB Chairman Barry Rutenberg, a home builder from Gainesville, Fla. “That said, our members continue to assert the need for more reasonable credit standards and more accurate appraisal methods to perpetuate this positive momentum.”    

“The modest increase in the July IMI is encouraging because it indicates that individual housing markets continue to regain their footing despite some recent reports of weakening in the broader economy,” added NAHB Chief Economist David Crowe. “This is evidence that the housing recovery is slowly but surely taking root, one market at a time.”
“The positive takeaway from today’s report is that an increasing number of consumers are looking at better conditions to both buy and sell homes, which should help spur greater activity in certain markets going forward,” noted Kurt Pfotenhauer, vice chairman of First American Title Company.
The IMI is designed to track housing markets throughout the country that are showing signs of improving economic health. The index measures three sets of independent monthly data to get a mark on the top improving Metropolitan Statistical Areas. The three indicators that are analyzed are employment growth from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, house price appreciation from Freddie Mac and single-family housing permit growth from the U.S. Census Bureau. NAHB uses the latest available data from these sources to generate a list of improving markets. A metropolitan area must see improvement in all three areas for at least six months following their respective troughs before being included on the improving markets list.
A complete list of all 84 metropolitan areas currently on the IMI, and separate breakouts of metros newly added to or dropped from the list in July, is available at
The NAHB/First American Improving Markets Index (IMI) is released on the fourth business day of each month at 10:00 a.m., ET, unless that day falls on a Friday – in which case, the index is released on the following Monday. A full calendar of future release dates can be found at

Good News

84 Metros Listed As Improving Housing Markets in July

July 9, 2012 - The list of U.S. housing markets showing measurable and sustained improvement rose by four to include 84 metros in July, according to the National Association of Home Builders/First American Improving Markets Index (IMI), released today.  This number includes representatives from 32 states plus the District of Columbia.
The index identifies metropolitan areas that have shown improvement from their respective troughs in housing permits, employment and house prices for at least six consecutive months. This month’s IMI includes 73 metros that held their positions on the list from June, as well as 11 newly added markets. Notable new entries include such geographically diverse places as Prescott, Ariz.; Springfield, Mass.; St. Cloud, Minn.; and Houston, Texas.
“The geographic diversity and growing number of metros on the latest IMI help spotlight the improvements we have begun to see in terms of home prices and job market conditions across certain parts of this country, which in turn are spurring more demand for new homes,” said NAHB Chairman Barry Rutenberg, a home builder from Gainesville, Fla. “That said, our members continue to assert the need for more reasonable credit standards and more accurate appraisal methods to perpetuate this positive momentum.”    

“The modest increase in the July IMI is encouraging because it indicates that individual housing markets continue to regain their footing despite some recent reports of weakening in the broader economy,” added NAHB Chief Economist David Crowe. “This is evidence that the housing recovery is slowly but surely taking root, one market at a time.”
“The positive takeaway from today’s report is that an increasing number of consumers are looking at better conditions to both buy and sell homes, which should help spur greater activity in certain markets going forward,” noted Kurt Pfotenhauer, vice chairman of First American Title Company.
The IMI is designed to track housing markets throughout the country that are showing signs of improving economic health. The index measures three sets of independent monthly data to get a mark on the top improving Metropolitan Statistical Areas. The three indicators that are analyzed are employment growth from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, house price appreciation from Freddie Mac and single-family housing permit growth from the U.S. Census Bureau. NAHB uses the latest available data from these sources to generate a list of improving markets. A metropolitan area must see improvement in all three areas for at least six months following their respective troughs before being included on the improving markets list.
A complete list of all 84 metropolitan areas currently on the IMI, and separate breakouts of metros newly added to or dropped from the list in July, is available at
The NAHB/First American Improving Markets Index (IMI) is released on the fourth business day of each month at 10:00 a.m., ET, unless that day falls on a Friday – in which case, the index is released on the following Monday. A full calendar of future release dates can be found at

Associate Appreciation Month, from Barry Rutenberg

Thanks to our Mike Kurpiel for posting this on his blog site.  Mostly however, thanks to all of you associates who are making our industry finally move forward.

August 31, 2012

"A Celebration of Home Building Labor"

Summer isn't officially over until September 22nd but this weekend, Labor Day Weekend, traditionally marks the end of the summer activities. Labor Day Weekend is also a three day event, with Monday being the actual American federal holiday that celebrates the economic and social contributions of workers. For The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), and most of the local and state home builder associations within our Federation, Labor Day Weekend is the perfect holiday weekend to usher in the annual celebration of our Associate Members, all needed to build or remodel homes.

Today we have very special guest blogger delivering a very important message...

Barry Rutenberg
"Associate Appreciation Month"
September, 2012 
 by Barry Rutenberg

I would like to take a moment and recognize the associate membership within our Federation. Home builder associations across the country annually declare the month of September Associate Appreciation Month. My experiences in my home state of Florida, as well as my time spent at the national level with NAHB, has allowed me to meet many associate members and deepen my relationship with our associates. As our industry emerges from the darkest days most of us have ever experienced, the associate members have helped to keep their locals and state associations as vibrant as possible and have tirelessly volunteered time and invested financially. Dedicated and passionate, associates are true partners with our builder members and help us develop and improve our communities.
As Chairman of the Board of The National Association of Home Builders I would like to officially, and personally, kick off September’s “Associate Appreciation Month” by asking all builder members to work with our associates and provide as many opportunities as you can. Our entire membership, both builder and associate, can only grow stronger by the inner bonds we build.

Associate members involved with building a home (click picture to enlarge) 

Thank you, and I hope to see you in Austin, Texas for NAHB’s 2012 Fall Board Meeting.

Barry Rutenberg, a home builder and remodeler based in Gainesville, Fla., and has more than 35 years of experience in the building industry. He is the owner of Barry Rutenberg and Associates, Inc.and has developed more than a dozen communities and more than 1,000 homes in the Gainesville area. Barry was elected as chairman of the board at NAHB’s International Builders’ Show in February 2012.
A member of NAHB’s board of directors since 1980, Rutenberg has served on more than 25 NAHB committees, councils and task forces. He also has served three two-year terms as an NAHB national vice president representing Florida and Puerto Rico.

Note: The above picture of a home being built utilizing associate members is courtesy of The New Jersey Builders Association demonstrating the economic impact of the housing industry.

"Association Maximization"

After taking the summer off Association Maximization is back, refreshed and reaffirming the commitment of helping to maximize your association involvement. If you have any suggestions for articles in the future, or you would like to be a guest blogger, click on my my name below and contact me. Posts must somehow be relevant to our NAHB membership and not a commercial for your product or service. 


Michael Kurpiel, CGA, CGP 

Past NAHB Associate Members Committee Chairman
Past NAHB National Associate Chairman