Saturday, February 25, 2012
Chairman Barry Rutenberg's Letter to Associates
Here is a letter received by most Associates from NAHB Chairman of the Board Barry Rutenberg in response to the defeat of the by-law ammendment that would have placed an Associate of NAHB on the Senior Officer Leadership Team.
Monday, February 20, 2012
2012 Newly Elected NAHB Senior Officer Team
My thanks to Mike Kurpiel for this terrific and concise outline of the new leadership team at NAHB. Judson, Kelly, and Woods all started in NAHB as Associates.
Association Maximization Welcome to "Association Maximization" a blog designed to help members of our Federation understand their HBA investment and maximize the return. This blog is for established members who are not engaged, new members who may need help navigating the HBA and for non-members to demonstrate the reasons why investment in membership will help your professional growth.
Placing titles to names, then names with faces, is a way of having our Federation members at home see the actual volunteer leaders who have made a decision to give back to their industry what their/our industry has provided them; a career in the most noble of professions, providing shelter. As you will see and read below, our senior officer team may remind you of leaders at home. In fact, they were, still are, leaders back home. Another way to demonstrate to our Federation members is to follow what our national volunteer leadership is working towards; our industry's recovery. Our NAHB senior officers, in particular,Chairman of the Board Barry Rutenberg, need our engaged passion to help them with initiatives designed to help the builder get back to work. If it affects a builder it will affect an associate so the overall goal is to help our entire membership get back to work. While the media keeps touting "job creation" our senior officers are delivering strategic road maps that will help with "job retention" and eventual "job restoration."
The board of directors in Orlando just experienced a very passionate debate regarding certain by-law amendments, with those in favor engaging the grassroots to support and those opposed equal to the task of messaging. NAHB now needs the membership, who fought hard on both sides of the by-law(s) issue to bring that same enthusiasm, that same passion and that same grassroots outreach, to deliver to our senior officers the membership mobilization needed to help them help all of us.
NAHB advocacy; political investing, calls to action and grassroots passion uniting builders AND associate members, along side HBA staff giving us all the power of one voice in Washington, DC. That one voice carries with it the echoes hundreds of thousands building industry professionals.Our newly elected NAHB Senior Officer team, BRAVO!
NAHB Chairman of the Board
Barry Rutenberg, Gainesville, Fla. Taking the reins as 2012 IBS Chairman this month, Barry Rutenberg is president of Barry Rutenberg and Associates, Inc., and has more than 35 years of experience in the housing industry. He has developed more than a dozen communities and 1,000 homes in and around Gainesville. He has also been active in the NAHB leadership structure at the local, state and national levels throughout his career, having served on NAHB’s Board of Directors since 1980 and on more than 25 NAHB committees and councils. He has also served as an NAHB National Vice President representing Florida and Puerto Rico for three two-year terms. Read more here.
NAHB First Vice Chairman
Rick Judson, Charlotte, N.C.
Rick is a builder and developer who owns the Evergreen Development Group. He has several decades of experience in land development and construction of single-family, multifamily and commercial projects. Read more here.
NAHB Second Vice ChairmanKevin Kelly, Wilmington, Del. Kevin has been a builder and developer since he joined Leon N. Weiner & Associates in 1979 and became actively involved in the Home Builders Association of Delaware. His building experience includes land development, multifamily and single-family home building, with an emphasis on affordable housing. Read more here.
NAHB Third Vice Chairman
Tom Woods, Blue Springs, Mo.The newest member of the NAHB Senior Officer team, Tom joined the NAHB leadership ladder with his election to the post of Third Vice Chairman during the 2012 International Builders' Show. He is president of T.E. Woods Homes, a company he founded in 1974. His firm has developed scores of communities and more than 1,000 homes in the Greater Kansas City area. Read more here.
NAHB Immediate Past Chairman
Bob Nielsen, Reno, Nev.A leader in the Reno area home building and development industries for more than 25 years, Bob is president of Shelter Properties, a development and management company headquartered in northern Nevada. Read more here.
NAHB Chief Executive Officer
Jerry Howard, Washington, D.C. Jerry heads up NAHB's professional staff working out of the National Housing Center in Washington. He has served as the association's CEO/EVP since February of 2001. Read more here.
Let's also give special acknowledgement to all the past presidents, and now past chairmen, of our Federation, too many to name here on this blog but each extremely special in their leadership efforts and dedication in protecting our industry. Thank you, to all.
click here for the history of NAHB >
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Michael Kurpiel, CGA, CGPPosted by Michael Kurpiel, CGA, CGP at 7:14 AM [Image] [Image] Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
Saturday, February 18, 2012
2012 Associate of the Year Award to Lanny Tillery
This is the video of Lanny Tillery of Arkansas and The Whirlpool Corporation receiving the 2012 Associate of the Year Award. There were few dry eyes in the room as Lanny has captured everyone's heart. Congratulations Lanny.
This is the video of Lanny Tillery of Arkansas and The Whirlpool Corporation receiving the 2012 Associate of the Year Award. There were few dry eyes in the room as Lanny has captured everyone's heart. Congratulations Lanny.
2011 BEAM Award Winner
This is a video from the Associates Awards Breakfast where the first BEAM (Builders Engaging Associate Members) Award was presented to Bill Asdel of New Jersey. We will get the information out earlier this year so that we can make a strong effort to get one of our Kentuckiana builders in line to win this prestigious award.
This is a video from the Associates Awards Breakfast where the first BEAM (Builders Engaging Associate Members) Award was presented to Bill Asdel of New Jersey. We will get the information out earlier this year so that we can make a strong effort to get one of our Kentuckiana builders in line to win this prestigious award.
Swearing in of EOC Council
Barry Rutenberg, NAHB Chairman of the Board swears in the new 2012 Executive Officers Council which includes Lexington's Todd Johnson
Executive Officers Council
Kentucky had an incredible presence also at the Executive Officers Council Breakfast at which Chuck Kavanaugh, EO of Home Builders Assoc of Louisville was sworn in as this year's Chairman of the Council. Again, proof positive that you are being well represented at National. Congratulations Chuck.
Area 6 Caucus
As usual, Kentucky was well represented at our Area 6 (KY, WV, OH) Caucus at IBS. There was no official count, but the unofficial count showed that Kentucky had well over 50% of the attendees. You are very well represented at National by your Kentucky deligates.
First Vice Chairman Rick Judson Speaks at the Associate's Breakfast
Rick Judson of North Carolina speaks at this year's Associate Awards Breakfast. Rick is this year's First Vice Chariman which means that he will be in charge beginning January 2013. Rick came into NAHB as an Associate, therefore understanding our industry from both the Builder and from the Associate side of the ledger.
Next year's Chair Diane Beaton with our own John Sizemore, the 2013 Chair
Our own John Sizemore is at the dias with incoming Associate Members Committee Chairwoman Dianne Beaton. John will take over as Associate Members Committee Chairman beginning in Jan 2013.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Put a name with a face: Diane Beaton and Mike Kurpiel
Incoming Chair Diane Beaton presenting outgoing chair Mike Kurpiel. Now you can put a face with a name.
Kevin Kelly
Third Vice Chairman (soon to be Second) Kevin Kelly gives the NAHB Associates Members Committee a "state of the union" address during which he said that he will step down from his position on the dias during the Board Meeting on Friday so that he could speak as a member of the Board IN FAVOR of Ammendment 1 which is the ammendment placing an Associate as a Senior Officer. Thank you Kevin.
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